
The death of your loved one is one of the most challenging things that can happen in your life. Many decisions and actions are required. Vulcan Funeral Home believes that these decisions should be personal and focused on your loved one and their family. This information is provided as a starting point. For additional information, talk to Peter and his team.

Who can make decisions and arrangements?

There is a legislated priority in who can make the decisions for your loved one. The first priority goes to your loved one and their direction as stated in a pre-plan or will. If no direction is given, then the closest family member becomes responsible. See for more information

quote3Some cultures encourage the use of professional mourners, people that openly cry and wail at funerals. The higher the number of mourners, the greater the status of the loved one

What are some of the decisions that have to be made?

There are a number of processes that happen concurrently when a loved one dies. The major ones are:

  • the ceremony or act of remembrance
  • the grieving process.
  • the interment of your loved one,

Each of these processes carries its own stress. The Interment process for example, has a number of legal requirements including official documentation, which must be correctly completed. Privacy Protection is not removed after death. Personal information must still be protected.

Talk to Peter and his associates. They will act as your trusted agents, doing the legal paperwork, and preparing your loved one. They can support you, so that the service is appropriate. You can determine how much you (and your community) want to do, and Peter will work with you to ensure your wishes are met.

Remembering Your Loved One

The service is usually for the living. It is part of the therapy of the grieving process. It is also an expected component of the funeral process. Family and friends expect to be able to pay their respects and mark the passage of the life lived. Remembrance traditions vary. Some traditions mourn the departure of your loved one, while other traditions celebrate the promotion or elevation of your loved one to a better place. Discuss the beliefs of your loved one and their family needs to say good-bye with Peter and his team.

Type of Service

One of the decisions that does have to be made fairly quickly is: Is your loved one to be seen after death. What is preferred, an open casket, closed casket or cremation? Sometimes the preference is specified in a will or pre-plan. Other times families have a family or a religious based preference. We can assist you with the options.

Marker or Monument?

There is a wide range of options from a plaque on a columbarium to an ornate graveside marker. This is the object that marks the final resting place of your loved one. The marker or monument is one thing that does not have to be decided immediately. The monument should be placed within a reasonable time, after everything else is complete, and should be placed within the year. There is a wide range of options from a plaque to an ornate graveside marker. If your loved one was cremated, they can have a permanent marker and resting place in the Vulcan Columbarium. Peter and his associates can assist you in finding a appropriate way to to remember your loved one permanently.